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How do I modify my rubber band held radio control model airplane wing so it is bolted on?
Here is a short explanation of how I did mine:
I drilled the wing with 1/2" Forstner bit and then inserted 12" dowel. I drew a line
aligning the wing surface and cut the dowel to fit on my band saw. After a little sanding for a good flush fit I epoxied it in. Next I glued in
some 1/4 " maple mounting plates in the fuse. Next I drilled the dowel and mounting plates for 1/4-20
wing bolts, taped the plates and I was done. BTW, I used 4 bolts instead of 2 with a locator pin.
Mike Wiz
Note that you may also use some plastic bolt-on wing mounting inserts in the
fuselage. These have the 1/4-20 threads already in them, with two holes to bolt
them to the side of the fuselage. It is quick and easy, but they are a little
more difficult to align. With the wooden mounts, you drill them after the holes
are in the wing so alignment is easier. Also, with the wood mount you can tap it
with a 1/4-20 tap, instead of using a blind nut. Just drop some thin CA on the
threads, let it cure, and tap it again. The wood threads are much stronger than
the plastic 1/4-20 bolt is. rcfaq
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