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Hello all-
Whenever I buy a new kit to build I usually buy a new building tool or
gadget for myself. Some prove to be very useful and there are others that
aren't quite what they're cracked up to be.
So gang...I got to wondering
'What's your favorite and least favorite
building tool?'
Let's hear it!
Hands down my favorite is my Fiskars cutting mat. It was a freebie
from Tower Hobby. I probably would not have bought it on my own, but
now I couldn't live without it. Second would be the Dremel 1" belt
sander, makes quick work of any hardwood sanding. But it doesn't make
me feel good the way the cutting mat does, it just does its job really
well. It's amazing how few tools you need to build a kit. Basically,
just a knife and an Xacto saw.
My favorite is the Xacto knife. I use it as much as any tool.
My least favorite is also the Xacto knife. It's round, so it's always
falling off the table and either dulling the blade tip or sticking into
things it shouldn't (ouch).
Rather than use the Xacto knife, I have lately turned to the use of
my electric chisel for carving things. I even forgot I had one for a
time. Getting it out of its case seemed like a chore. But, it sure
short work out of carving a noseblock or wingtip. I wouldn't call it
my favorite tool, because I don't use it that much.
My second favorite is definitely the Dremel.
Jim - AMA 501383
Favorite--------- X-Acto knife
Least Favorite---Sandpaper
without a doubt, how did i ever build without one?
>without a doubt, how did i ever build without one?
Hmmm... I have a Dremel (I assume you're talking about the
Dremeltool), but I don't think I've ever used it for modeling and I've
built 2-1/2 planes. What am I missing? (Maybe it's because my main
use for it is to remove mufflers from cars, I've never thought it for
Favorite: Dremel Power Tool....I can't imagine being without it
Least Favorite: Woodpecker....I can't imagine using it. Yes, I
use it to prep ply for gluing, but I can do that with my Dremel and I don't
have to look for that!
my all time favorite tool is my
minature saw table from the german company Proxon
it cuts wood like butter and a hot knife :)
second is my churgins knife ( gift from a doctor at the hospital)
its 10 times sharper then Xacto .
the tool that i hate is my Dremel scroll saw ... its a piece of junk
im still dreaming to replace this piece a SH^&%&% t for a proffesional
Hegner ( see http://www.hegner.nl/werkplaats.JPG
) scroll saw ..
but its very pricey ( about a $800 )
when i replaced it . i will post a mail in here ... FREE dremel scroll saw
but im still saving :)
( the netherlands )
GP Slot Machine
Fourmost Miter Saw
My Exacto knives stay on the table--I put a tape "flag" on them to
them from rolling.
What do you trim your piano wire landing gear with??
A moto tool is great for trimming anything, hollowing out
for engines, et all, trims ply and hardwood in a snap,
and cuts hinge slots as fast as you can run the blade
into the line!!! There's about a hundred other uses I'm
not remembering, but you get the idea....
Favorite: Permagrit Least: tiny allen wrenches
>Subject: Re: favorite and least favorite building tool
>From: "James D Jones" jdjones@fbg.net
Jim, what I have done over the years is put the new knife in a vise and
it a little so it cannot roll off the table. rick markel
>My least favorite is also the Xacto knife. It's round, so it's always
>falling off the table and either dulling the blade tip or sticking into
>things it shouldn't (ouch).
Maybe not my favorites, but diffenitely most used?
1. E-xato knife.
2. Mini hobby saw
3 .sanding sticks - various size sticks/dowels with course sandpaper
glued on them.
5. CA
6. Razor Plane
7. Epoxy and/or yellow glue
8. band saw.
9. dremel.
10. drill bits.
Hinge Slotting Machine has to be the most favorite and the least favorite
has to be the belt sander.
most favourite is my combination disk/belt sander, my second most favourite
is my jigsaw.
My least favourite is my sanding blocks and sandpaper
Subject: Re: favorite and least favorite building tool Newsgroups: rec.models.rc.air Date: 2000-11-13 05:20:12 PST |
In article <3A0F2141.C023A22E@worldnet.att.net>,
Don Hatten <hattend@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> Favorite: Dremel Power Tool....I can't imagine being without it
> Least Favorite: Woodpecker....I can't imagine using it. Yes, I
> use it to prep ply for gluing, but I can do that with my Dremel and I don't
> have to look for that!
Ditto on both, my thoughts exactly.
Jim McIntyre
Ontario, Canada.
"Rob" wrote in message
> the tool that i hate is my Dremel scroll saw ... its a piece of
I concur wholeheartedly. Where is the affordable alternetive?
Most favorite: Covering trimmer by Harry Higley & Son
Least favorite: CA - bonds everything else in seconds,
but I wouldn't want to build without it :)
Andrew E. Mileski
Excluding Exacto knifes and sandpaper which are absolutely necessary the
foll are my favorite tools:
Razor plane
Band saw
Disc/ belt sander
Drill Press preferably the radial arm type
Dremel tool + accessories
Scroll saw (limited use)
Orbital sander
The obvious is the #11 blade but I love my Zona saws.
I dislike sanding.
Best Investment: Band Saw, Sears tabletop size.
Worst Investment: Dremel Scroll Saw.
Most Important tool for making lousy airplanes into good looking airplanes:
well the alternative that is affordable in europe
is a PROXON !!!
but if you want the best ... start saving ...
buy a swiss made proffesional HEGNER scroll saw .. it will outlast yourselve
it will never wearout !
im still saving .. oneday .. just one day .... then .. yes ... LOL
dremel is a piece ajunk a russian lada compared to the hegner ...
Proxon is also VERY good stuff and is made in germany .
i dont know where yah can buy it in the usa sorry
the netherlands
Most - Delta combo disk & 1" belt sander. I don't know how I
built without
Small square
I built, use it all the time
Least - Xacto knife (has got me sereral times)
I just bought one of those aluminum contour sanding "blocks" that you
glue sandpaper to. A little pricey, but it appears to be a VERY
useful tool for leading edges.
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