RCFAQ.com |
The complete radio control model airplane FAQ. |
Projects to build...
Joysticks for flight simulators
Also check out our Winter Flying page for Snow Skis
And the CNC projects listed in our foam cutting links
A Do-It-Yourself 4 x 8' AIRPLANE TRAILER
Richard Biron's larger trailer (May need Translation)
Engine & Propeller Building--Also see our page on Converting Weedwacker and Chainsaw Engines
Carving Helical Pitch Propellers
Jerry E. Howell - Model Project Plans & Kits Home Page
Engine Ring source, custom made
Strictly I.C. - Magazine on Miniature Inernal Combustion Engines
Induction & Exhaust Assemblies
High Flight Archieve - Engines
Engine Technical Notes-VERY complete!
Where can I see a transmitter tray?
Dubro Remote Control Accessories
Futaba 8U Transmitter Projects (For all 8u's--8uaf, 8uap, 8uhf, 8uhp, 8uafs, 8uaps, 8uhfs, 8uhps)
ClonePAC.ZIP for downloading your memory into a PC
Jumping the Diode in the Futaba 8U Transmitters
Another campac page by Frtiz the Cat, with PC interface
Hitec Spectra Frequency Synthesizer
FlyWire Antenna -- only 6" long
------- modellfly model airplanes -------
Black Sheep Squadron Home (CAMPAC)
Brent Dane's Electronic projects
Circuit Diagrams for Model Aircraft
Diode jumpering for charging Tx transmitters
Electronic Circuits for the Hobbyist
Electronic Designs for RC models
Electronic Projects for R-C Gliders
Eric Behr's Collection of Electronic Speed Controls
Home Page for Sirius Electronics
Home page personale giacomo bondi
Matt and Kim's Piece of the Web
Michael Möller's Modellbauseiten
Mike Norton's Hobbies--speed 400 controller PIC based
Model Aircraft Performance Slide Rule Calculator
PC Software for Battery Maintenance
PIC RC microprocessor application design, consulting, product development.
PIC...Circuits, Speedcontroller, Microcontroller
Radio tips 535 and 555 from 5--8ch
RC Battery tester for PC logging
RC flying - home brew electronics page
RC Stuff electronics PIC , Servos2, add TX channels...
Ron's Software Page... free flight simulator
Servos--how do I control them without a radio?
Stefan's Electric R-C Site (Tx channel extender)
The first simulator for R-C sailplanes
Tony's! R-C, Metal Detecting, Breads, Electronics, Tx Mixer
Welcome to Palos R-C!! (clonepac)
Welcome to the Electronics Page - Your one stop electronics resource
8U shift inverter kit by Slickraft
JOYSTICKS for Flight Simulators
Building The R-C Stick Joystick
Computer Designs R-C Trainer Interface
Great Planes RealFlight Transmitter Interface
Interfacing the BASIC STAMP 2 with the DS1803 Dual Potentiometer
(more coming soon...)
All of the information on
this web site is copyright 2000 by rcfaq.com. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 10, 2001 .
email webmaster@rcfaq.com